해외에서 슬로워크의 블로그를 꾸준히 방문해주시는 분들을 위해 한달에 한 번, 매월 마지막주 수요일에 영문 포스팅을 발행합니다. 앞으로 슬로워크 블로그의 컨텐츠가 더욱 멀리멀리 퍼져나가기를 바라면서!
From today, we will post in English once a month, on every last wednesday.
Hope that more and more people can share our messages!
For today's post, we introduce a practice which motivates disabled people to adjust to our society by making ‘Cookies’.
A social enterprise ‘WE CAN’ was created by a social welfare foundation called ‘WE CAN Centre’. ‘WE CAN Centre’ provides services to people with severe disability for their rehabilitation and helps them to adjust to the society by creating social partakings.
It is known that intellectual handicapped is the hardest disability to get a job in Korea. ‘WE CAN centre’ provides vocational rehabilitation services to 40 intellectually handicapped people by making snacks made with local organic ingredients.
Each people would take their role as mixing dough, shaping it, and packaging it by their specialties. Every team has a social trainer who looks after them to keep up with their appropriate working condition.
It is appears that ‘WE CAN’ gives more than a cookie making training, but helps them to understand generic social working environment. So they would not have any problems if they get to work in other working environments.
The distinctive difference of ‘WE CAN’ is that they maintain the skill training through out the programme so disabled people can be a skilled master rather than a worker.
You can check out more on ‘WE CAN’ Cookie on its website www.wecanshop.co.kr
Every product is made with orgarnic and local ingredients and it would be a lovely idea to pass this to others on special occasions.
We hope ‘WE CAN’s cookies can be a good model for other social enterprises and bring more disabled people to have motivation and willingness to be a part of our society.
by 토종닭발자국
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